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  Adiemus 2 by Karl Jenkins
Artist:Karl Jenkins
Album:Adiemus 2
Genre:New Age
Album Length:1:14:32
n/aElegia *4:05
n/aChorale I (Za Ma Ba) *1:51
n/aCantus - 'Song of the Spirit' *6:12
n/aChorale II (Roosh Ka Ma) *1:52
n/aCantus - 'Song of the Trinity' *6:13
n/aChorale III (Vocalise) *2:21
n/aCantus - 'Song of the Odyssey' *7:28
n/aChorale IV (Alame Oo Ya) *3:01
n/aCantus - 'Song of the Plains' *11:29
n/aChorale V (Arama Ivi) *1:22
n/aCantus - 'Song of Invocation' *8:48
n/aChorale VI (Sol - Fa) - Cantus - 'Song of Aeolus' *5:50
n/aChorale VII (A Ma Ka Ma) *1:27
n/aCantilena *3:22
n/aCantus - 'Song of Tears' *9:03
[Album Cover]
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