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 Genre: Avantgarde
Years:1979 - 2002
Play Time:12:06:53
1999 (Soundscapes - Live) Robert Fripp 57:46 1994
Apocalypse Now Pere Ubu 53:59 1991
Asi Nisi Masa De Giacomo 49:12 1997
Cabin Fever! Rasputina 49:50 2002
Chapter III - Ice Celestial Navigations 65:08 1992
From the Epicenter Binary System 53:09 1999
How We Quit the Forest Rasputina 41:54 1998
Imaginary Landscapes Ron Kuivila 67:22 1989
New Picnic Time Pere Ubu 36:31 1979
Residue Deux The Residents 64:31 1998
Thanks For The Ether Rasputina 55:55 1996
Transylvanian Regurgitations Rasputina 18:50 1997
Tyger and Other Tales Various Artists 49:46 1996
Women's Paradise Mari Takano 62:55 0000
'Blue' Gene Tyranny 10:02 1989
Alvin Lucier 4:04 1989
Binary System 53:09 1999
Celestial Navigations 129:25 1989-1992
Christian Marclay 3:03 1989
David Tudor 4:04 1989
De Giacomo 49:12 1997
Gordon Monahan 3:46 1989
Laetitia deCompiegne Sonami 7:09 1989
Mari Takano 62:55
Mark Trayle 6:47 1989
Mayanne Amacher 4:03 1989
Neil B. Rolnick 6:18 1989
Nicolas Collins 6:32 1989
Pere Ubu 557:47 1979-1998
Rasputina 217:58 1996-2002
Robert Fripp 133:19 1994
Ron Kuivila 3:02 1989
Shelly Hirsch and David Weinstein 3:50 1989
The Residents 64:31 1998
Various Artists 524:22 1984-2004
Voice Crack 4:36 1989
Music database contains 32686 songs, 4447 artists, 2709 albums, and 216 genres. [login]