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4:21In A Manner of Speaking Martin L GoreCounterfeit E.P.New Wave1989
7:13In A Mellotone Duke Ellington OrchestraDigital DukeJazz1987
5:06In A Minute6AuroraGothic Divas<Unknown> 
2:21In a Parade6Paul SimonStranger to StrangerRock2016
4:03In a Sentimental Mood4Billy JoelA League of Their OwnSoundtrack1992
2:48In A Sentimental Mood Ella FitzgeraldDearly Beloved: I Let A Song Go Out of My HeartBlues2007
4:58In America CreedMy Own PrisonRock1997
5:45In and out [Remix]8Executive SlacksIndustrial Revolution - Second Edition (Disc 2)Industrial1994
4:36In Another Life Jennifer Love HewittLet's Go BangRock1995
3:58In Bed9Three Dog NightCelebrate: The Three Dog Night Story 1965-1975 (Disc 2)Rock1993
3:11In Between5The Verve PipeThe Verve PipeAlternative1999
4:14In Bloom2NirvanaNevermindGrunge1991
2:59In Blue Hawaii Brian WilsonSmileRock2004
7:46In Caelum Fero AdiemusSongs of SanctuaryNew Age1995
7:46In Caelum Fero5Karl JenkinsAdiemus: Songs of SanctuaryNew Age1995
2:56In Case of Trouble3Darren KorbBastion Original Soundtrack<Unknown>2011
4:26In Continuum7LaraajiGyroscope Label SamplerNew Age1993
3:04In Control NemeseaPure: Live @ P3Progressive Metal2012
3:01In Control NemeseaIn ControlProgressive Metal2007
5:36In Decline7Nitzer EbbBig HitIndustrial1995
3:45In Defiance7VNV NationOf Faith, Power And GloryGothic2009
2:50In Dreams2Roy OrbisonHits You RememberRock1995
2:51In Dreams3Roy OrbisonThe All-Time Greatest HitsRock1989
4:25In Fine EraEra 2New Age2000
3:19In France they Kiss On Main Street Joni MitchellThe Hissing Of Summer LawnsRock1975
3:53In From The Storm7Corey Glover, Eric Shenkman, Billy Cox, The London Metropolitan OrchestraIn From The StormRock1995
2:40In Heaven, There Is No Beer Brave ComboPolkas For a Gloomy WorldPolka1995
1:27In Like Flint Jerry GoldsmithIn Like Flint & Our Man FlintSoundtrack1998
3:31In Limbo7RadioheadKid AAlternative Rock2000
4:40In Liverpool3Suzanne Vega99.9 F°Rock1992
4:38In Liverpool7Suzanne VegaPavarotti & FriendsMale Vocal1992
4:26In Love With Myself David GuettaGuetta BlasterEDM2004
2:10In Loving Memory of Allie Joe HisaishiNi no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Original Soundtrack (Disc 1)Soundtrack2011
12:38In Maidjan [Live] HeilungLifa [Live]Neofolk Metal2018
3:27In My Business (feat. Missy 'Misdemeanor'' Elliott) Houston WhitneyMy Love Is Your LoveR&B1998
3:16In My Car18Shania TwainUp!Country2002
3:21In My City Ellie GouldingHalcyon Days (Disc 1)Indie Pop2013
2:47In My Diary3The SpinnersThe Very Best of the SpinnersSoul1994
4:14In My Dreams Des'reeI Ain't Movin'Soul1994
6:14In my dreams5Robert MilesDreamlandTechno1996
3:39In my Dreams BlutengelDemon KissGothic2004
3:31In My Eyes Milk Inc.Top Hits 100, Vol 5Trance1999
3:42In My Head GalantisPharmacyElectronic2015
3:49In My Head Dum Dum GirlsOnly in DreamsIndie Pop2011
4:37In My Head Tori AmosMe and a PianoAlternative1992
4:36In My Heart Moby18Electronic2002
5:15In My Life1Original Broadway CastLes Misérables (Disc 2)Musical1987
2:53In My Life9Trio RococoNorwegian WoodEasy Listening1995
3:12In My Life Bette MidlerExperience the Divine - Bette Midler - Greatest HitsPop1993
2:27In My Life Beatles1962-1966 (Disc 2)Rock & Roll1973
Total playtime: 95d 1:44:43
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