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47:5414<Track>MercylandCowboy MouthRock1998
74:5321<Track>Message In A Box: The Complete Recordings (Disc 1)The PolicePop1993
73:0321<Track>Message In A Box: The Complete Recordings (Disc 2)The PolicePop1993
64:2718<Track>Message In A Box: The Complete Recordings (Disc 3)The PolicePop1993
73:0418<Track>Message In A Box: The Complete Recordings (Disc 4)The PolicePop1993
4:361<Track>MessengerEdwin McCainPop1999
57:2810<Track>MetaAssemblage 23Industrial2007
79:1015<Track>Metropolis 2004Icon of CoilIndustrial2004
77:1212<Track>Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From A MemoryDream TheaterProgressive Metal1999
108:0520<Track>Metropolis [Special Edition]Christopher J Wray<Unknown>2015
62:5813<Track>Mexican MoonConcrete BlondeAlternative1993
42:5611<Track>Miami Vice (Music From the Television Series)Jan HammerSoundtrack1985
29:308<Track>Michael Flatley's Lord Of The DanceRonan HardimanSoundtrack2000
49:5512<Track>Mighy Morphin Power RangersPower Rangers OrchestraSoundtrack1995
40:159<Track>Mike + The MechanicsMike & The MechanicsRock1985
41:5215<Track>Milk Milk LemonadeThe Mr. T ExperiencePunk Rock1992
65:209<Track>Millions Now Living Will Never Die [Japanese Release]TortoiseRock1996
38:0110<Track>Mind How You GoSkyeTrip Hop2006
36:2211<Track>MiraclesKenny GChristmas1994
65:1211<Track>Mirror ManDavid ThomasJazz1999
66:0314<Track>MirrorballSarah McLachlanAlternative Rock1999
69:3520<Track>MisfitsSara HickmanRock1997
58:0214<Track>Miss Saigon SountrackClaude-Michel SchonbergSoundtrack1988
5:171<Track>Mission Impossible 2 O.S.T.Limp BizkitSoundtrack2000
80:0724<Track>Mission of BurmaMission of BurmaPunk1988
44:1612<Track>Modern AddictionTenderIndie2017
46:0112<Track>Modern RomanticsAdalineAlternative Rock2011
34:007<Track>Money + BargeldKMFDMTechno-Industrial1992
66:2412<Track>Money For NothingDire StraitsRock1988
49:1712<Track>MonsterR.E.M.Alternative Rock1994
72:3816<Track>Monsters of Goth (Disc 1)The MissionGothic Rock1997
62:5616<Track>Monsters of Goth (Disc 2)Lords of the New ChurchGothic1997
72:5316<Track>Monsters of Goth (Disc 3)Echo & The BunnymenGoth Rock1997
70:0713<Track>MontageBjorn LynneNew Age1994
45:5112<Track>Moog - The Electric Eclectics of Dick HymanDick HymanElectronic1969
47:3011<Track>Moonbathers - Limited Edition (Disc 1)DelainProgressive Metal2016
39:1610<Track>MoondanceVan MorrisonRock1970
44:2811<Track>More AdventurousRilo KileyIndie2004
42:0013<Track>More Music From Northern ExposureGeorgia Wettlin-LarsenSoundtrack1994
35:132<Track>More News From Lake WobegonGarrison KeillorComedy 
25:4010<Track>More Songs from Johnny's Personal FileJohnny CashCountry2007
5:252<Track>More Twisted ChristmasBob RiversComedy1997
71:5817<Track>Mortal KombatKMFDMSoundtrack1995
13:464<Track>Mostly Water [CDR]Mostly WaterRock1997
57:2517<Track>Motown Elite 9000 Series: The Motown ClassicsSmokey Robinson & The MiraclesSoul1987
30:4211<Track>Motown Legends - Volume 1Smokey Robinson & The MiraclesRock1994
57:0015<Track>Moulin RougeDavid BowieSoundtrack2001
40:297<Track>Mourn EPApoptygma BerzerkTechno-Industrial1997
Total playtime: 95d 1:44:43
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